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Developer inner-loop

Explore the developer inner-loop for AI-infused apps through the Miyagi codebase example.

(Optional) Legacy app modernization

Showcase how GitHub Copilot X can be used to modernize legacy apps.

  1. Start with CICS COBOL app
  2. Use GitHub Copilot X to modernize the app
  3. Deploy the app to Azure
  4. Add a SK skill to the app to make it AI-infused
  5. Productionize the app

Miyagi codebase

Showcase how GitHub Copilot X can be used to build AI-infused apps.

  1. Start with Miyagi codebase in VS Code or GitHub Codespaces
  2. Use GitHub Copilot X to add persistence and messaging to the app
  3. Add SK primitives to the app to make it AI-infused
  4. Deploy the app to Azure using GitHub Actions
  5. Monitor the app using Azure Monitor

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