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Lesson 3: Semantic Kernel chatbot with plugins

In this lesson we will a semantic kernel plugins to be able to retrieve stock pricing.

  1. Ensure all pre-requisites are met and installed (including updating the StockService apiKey value in the appSettings.json file using the key from

  2. Switch to Lesson 3 directory:

    cd ../Lesson3
  3. Start by copying appsettings.json from Lesson 1:

    cp ../Lesson1/appsettings.json .
  4. Run program and ask what the current date is:

    dotnet run

    At the prompt enter:

    What is the current date?

    Assistant will give a similar response:

    Assistant > I can't access today's date, but imagine it’s an eternal "Fri-yay," ready for financial fun! How can I help you on this hypothetical day?
  5. Notice it does not provide a specific answer. We can use a Semantic Kernel Plugin to be able to fix that.

  6. In the Plugins directory from Core.Utilities directory review the file named TimeInformationPlugin.cs which has the following content:

    using System.ComponentModel;
    using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
    namespace Plugins;
    public class TimeInformationPlugin
        [Description("Retrieves the current time in UTC.")]
        public string GetCurrentUtcTime() => DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("R");
  7. Next locate TODO: Step 1 in Program.cs and add the following import line:

    using Core.Utilities.Plugins;
  8. Next locate TODO: Step 2 in Program.cs and provide the following line to register the TimeInformationPlugin:

    kernel.Plugins.AddFromObject(new TimeInformationPlugin());
  9. Next locate TODO: Step 3 and add the following line to be able to auto invoke kernel functions:

        ToolCallBehavior = ToolCallBehavior.AutoInvokeKernelFunctions
  10. Next locate TODO: Step 4 and add the following parameters:

        await foreach (var chatUpdate in chatCompletionService.GetStreamingChatMessageContentsAsync(chatHistory, promptExecutionSettings, kernel))
  11. Re-run the program and ask what the current date is. The current date should be displayed this time:

    dotnet run
    What is the current date?

    Assistant response:

    Assistant > Today's date is October 4, 2024. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana! 
  12. Congratulations you are now using your first Semantic Kernel plugin! Next, we are going to leverage another plugin that will provide a StockService. This plugin is included within the Core.Utilities project. Review the file named StockDataPlugin.cs from Core.Utilities\Plugins which includes 2 functions, one to retrieve the stock price for the current date and another one for a specific date:

    using Core.Utilities.Services;
    using Core.Utilities.Models;
    using Core.Utilities.Extensions;
    using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    public class StockDataPlugin(StocksService stockService)
        private readonly StocksService _stockService = stockService;
        [KernelFunction, Description("Gets stock price")]
        public async Task<string> GetStockPrice(string symbol)
            string tabularData = (await _stockService.GetStockDailyOpenClose(symbol)).FormatStockData();
            return tabularData;
        [KernelFunction, Description("Gets stock price for a given date")]
        public async Task<string> GetStockPriceForDate(string symbol, DateTime date)
            string tabularData = (await _stockService.GetStockDailyOpenClose(symbol, date)).FormatStockData();
            return tabularData;
  13. Next, locate TODO: Step 5 in Program.cs and add import required for StockService:

    using Core.Utilities.Services;
  14. Next locate TODO: Step 6 and provide the following line to register the new StockDataPlugin:

    HttpClient httpClient = new();
    StockDataPlugin stockDataPlugin = new(new StocksService(httpClient));
  15. Next run program and ask stock pricing information:

    dotnet run
    What is MSFT price?

    Assistant response:

    Assistant > Hold onto your calculators! The price of MSFT is currently $417.63. 
    Looks like it's trying to outshine the stars!